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Terms and Conditions


These terms are a set of all the information about us, our services, legal and financial circumstances of cooperation through our website. These terms are implemented to all business operations carried out since this day.

By ordering any of our services, you automatically agree to the terms and conditions described below. Therefore, before entering into a contract we strongly recommend that you read the terms and make sure you understand all items. In the future, all aspects of our cooperation will be based on these terms.

If you agree with the terms stated below, then please click "I accept" and continue working on our website. If you refuse to accept the terms further cooperation with us is not possible and we will not be able to provide you with our services.

The following terms may be partially modified in compliance with the mutual interests of the parties. We are open to suggestions and comments from you that do not violate the law and do not infringe the interests of other customers.

For further reading and use of this document, we suggest that you keep a copy of this page to the hard disk or have it printed.

In accordance with Section 7 we can change the terms unilaterally without written notice. Before entering into a contract please read the latest version of the terms published on this page.


1.1 is the online platform of the Core et Crypto Fin Corp LTD company, a leading provider and manager of crypto and DeFi investment products.

1.2 Please use the contact information presented on the main page of the website if you want to contact us.


2.1 is an online platform of Crypto Fin Corp LTD, that provides a wide range of services in the field of investment in the cryptocurrency market. We use the most effective investment tools and offer several basic asset management strategies that meet the various expectations of the investor.

2.2 We offer brokerage services on the leading trading floors, powerful analytical support and special conditions for professional market participants.


The use of our site is governed by these terms. We strongly recommend that you familiarize yourself with the given conditions, as their content governs our cooperation within the website.


Collection, storage and use of your personal information is carried out strictly in accordance with the "Privacy Policy". We strongly recommend that you familiarize yourself with the present document since its content regulates our cooperation in the website.


5.1 Our services are available only for persons over 18 years of age. If there is information that confirms that a customer is under 18 years old at the time of conclusion of the contract, the implementation of our obligations will be suspended.

5.2 As a consumer, you can enjoy your legal rights with respect to services that do not meet the characteristics described. You can get support and consultation about your rights in a local consumer rights organization. These terms and conditions shall in no way infringe upon your statutory rights.


6.1 To get access to our services you need to pass the registration procedure that will not take you much time.

6.2 If we cannot provide you with the service — for example, due to the fact that the service is no longer available or because of an error on our website, we will notify you by email and will not process your deposit. If you have already made the deposit, we will promptly refund you the full amount you paid.


7.1 We reserve the right to apply changes and modifications in these terms.

7.2 The changes associated with the internal operation of the website have no effect on existing contracts. They continue to work under the terms of which they were in force at the time of conclusion of the contract.

7.3 Amendments to our terms associated with changes in the current legislation that regulates our activities may affect the existing contracts.

7.4 Each time when you use our services the terms which are active at that moment will be applied to your treaty.

7.5 Each time when we issue amendments and changes in these terms we will notify you about that via website news or in writing. It will depend on the importance of new changes.


8.1 You can make a deposit to gain revenue via any payment systems available on the platform.

8.2. Withdrawal of the initial deposit (principal) prior its maturity date is not allowed.


9.1 You receive income according to an investment plan you have selected on our platform.


10.1 We take full financial responsibility for violation of our commitments, including cases of force majeure, negligence, carelessness.

10.2 Our liability is incurred at our apparent fault. Cases of non-obvious guilt shall be dealt with in accordance with applicable law.

10.3 If we are unable to fulfill our contractual obligations, we take responsibility for loss or damage obviously inflicted by violation of terms of service.


11.1 The occurrence of force majeure temporarily or permanently frees us from fulfilling our obligations specified in the contract. In the event of force majeure, we will not be liable for any failure or delay in performance of any of our obligations under the contract.

11.2 Under the definition of force majeure fall events and circumstances that are beyond our reasonable control, such as extensive strikes, mass layoffs or other industrial strikes of third parties, civil commotion, riots, military invasion, terrorist attack or threat of terrorist attack, war (whether declared or not), the threat of war or preparation for war, fire, explosion, storm, flood, earthquake, landslide, epidemic or other natural disasters, failure of public or private telecommunications networks, significant changes in legislation governing our activities.

11.3 In the event of force majeure, which directly affects the performance of our contractual obligations, we are committed to promptly notify you via email or notification on the site.

11.4 In case of force majeure circumstances that directly affect the performance of our contractual obligations, our liabilities will be suspended and the timeframe of their implementation will be extended for the duration of the force majeure.

11.5 If the force majeure circumstances affect the provision of services under the contract for more than 6 months, we may terminate the Services. If service is discontinued, you will be entitled to receive reimbursement of their value.


12.1 If the duration of the force majeure circumstances forces us to stop providing services, we will make all the necessary efforts to recover the costs to our customers.

12.2 In order to recover the costs, we will use the funds that are currently on the account of the company. All the property of the company will be sold. Revenue from this sale will be used to repay existing financial liabilities.

12.3 In case the available money and funds received after the sale of the company's assets, will not be enough to fulfill all financial obligations, we commit to continue payments in equal shares to all customers, to whom we will have financial obligations under the terms of contract, 6 months after termination of the force majeure.


13.1 If the current terms and conditions refer to the term "in written form", it also includes the exchange of information via email. All communications from us in writing, you will receive an email.

13.2 For any question you can contact us through the means of communication specified in section "Contacts". Appeals are considered within 24 hours after receipt of the message. In complex cases that require special attention, we reserve the right to respond within 72 hours after receipt of the message.


14.1 We may transfer our rights and obligations under the contract to a third party only in case we are not able to fulfill our obligations and this does not affect your rights under the contract. If this happens, we will notify you by email.

14.2 You may transfer your rights and obligations under the contract to a third party only upon our prior written consent. Any attempt of assignment without our written consent will be denied legal effect.

14.3 Each of the sections of these terms and conditions is applicable individually. If the court or other competent authority decides that any of the sections of the current terms and conditions is unlawful, the other sections remain in force.

14.4 We do not keep a copy of the contract.